UdSU to be represented at the Russian-American Summit of Young Leaders
The Russian-American Summit of Young Leaders will be held between October 6th and 11th by the Future Simulation Center in education, economics and socio-humanitarian sphere (Moscow).
The Russian-American Summit of Young Leaders will be held between October 6th and 11th by the Future Simulation Center in education, economics and socio-humanitarian sphere (Moscow). It is an educational role play for young people between the ages of 18 and 28. The motto of the event is “We make our future together”. The summit will be held in Moscow, Vladimir, and Suzdal.
Latypov Amir, a student of UdSU Institute of History and Sociology, will represent UdSU and Udmurtia in the category “Business development and economic affairs”.
During the event there will be held different meetings at Federation Council of the Federal Assembly, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Russian Federal Space Agency and so on.
Later on Amir will be able to use his experience as the President of Human Rights Board during the X IzhMUN (Izhevsk Model UN), which begins on November 25th,2019.
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