UdSU leads National University Ranking in the region of Udmurtia

On June 4, the international informative group Interfax presented the results of the X Annual National Ranking of Universities for the academic year 2018/2019.

On June 4, the international informative group Interfax presented the results of the X Annual National Ranking of Universities for the academic year 2018/2019.

In 2019, the National University Ranking expanded the list of participants: the assessment of 327 leading Russian universities was made, which is 39 universities more compared to the last year. This year the Udmurt State University (Izhevsk) took 139-140 place.

The activities of the universities were evaluated by six parameters: brand, educational activities; research activities; social environment; internationalization (international cooperation); innovation and technology entrepreneurship.

In addition to the cumulative assessment by parameters, the National Ranking of Universities 2019 contained a number of other indexes estimating activities of the universities in several important areas: work with schools and youth, additional education programs, etc.

UdSU received highest points for such indicators as "Education", "Socialization" and "Internationalization."

Data sources included open materials on university activities, personal data collected by Interfax experts, data collected by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, etc.

The full version of the results and the methodology for assessing the National Ranking of Universities - 2019 are available on the website.


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