The VIth International Week at UdSU!
Between October 28 and November 1, 2019 Udmurt State University hosts the VI International Week at UdSU, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the UdSU partnership with the Keimyung University (Republic of Korea),
Between October 28 and November 1, 2019 Udmurt State University hosts the VI International Week at UdSU, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the UdSU partnership with the Keimyung University (Republic of Korea), University of Szeged (Hungary), University of Granada (Spain), University of Helsinki (Finland), and the 30th anniversary of the UdSU international affairs.
The program of the week consists of different workshops, cultural events and info sessions on international mobility programs.
The UdSU International Week welcomes students, academic and administrative staff of the university and everybody who is interested in international and multicultural activities are welcome.
Further information about the program:
ИсточникПоследние новости
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Частотный преобразователь
Подбираем решения под ваши задачи с учётом особенностей оборудования и требований