The exhibition "Commonwealth" at UdSU
"Commonwealth" is an exhibition held at the Institute of Art and Design of the Udmurt State University every two years.
"Commonwealth" is an exhibition held at the Institute of Art and Design of the Udmurt State University every two years. The exhibition in 2019 presents the work of the students from UdSU partner universities in Russia and abroad in the following areas: visual arts, decorative and applied art, design, and architecture.
For the first time the exposition includes works of students from the University of Granada (Spain), the University of Americas Puebla (Mexico), the Architectural Institute of Prague (Czech Republic), and Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University (Russia). Our old partners Kemjung University (South Korea), the University of Warsaw (Poland), Kishenevsky State Pedagogical University (Republic of Moldova), Almaty College of Printing (Kazakhstan) presented the works of their teachers and students in new thematic areas.
Opening will take place on June 5 at 15:30. The exhibition will be held from 5 to 28 June 2019 in the Art Exhibition and Educational Center of UdSU Institute of Art and Design at the address: ul. Universitetskaya, 1, building VI, aud. 510, tel: 916-109.
Curator of the exhibition: Lyubov I. Pervina
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